John Wayne’s daughter to sign books at Fort Worth Stockyards

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The John Wayne: An American Experience museum in the Fort Worth Stockyards welcomes a member of the Duke’s family Oct. 29 when Marisa Wayne, John Wayne’s youngest daughter, visits for a free book-signing.

Marisa Wayne is signing advance copies of “John Wayne: The Official Cocktail Book” from 3 to 6 p.m.

The book, in shops Nov. 1., has 70-plus recipes inspired by the life and legacy of legendary actor — including drinks inspired by Rooster Cogburn, Davy Crockett and other characters.

The Stockyards hosts the 31st annual Red Steagall Cowboy Gathering on Oct. 28-30. Tickets are needed for the museum.

Before the book-signing, the museum will hosts a free Gold Handle brand coffee tasting and Stetson X John Wayne hat personalization pop-up shop from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and a 1 to 4 p.m., Duke Spirits tasting of bourbons, tequilas and recipes from the book.

Wayne was known for giving cast and crew members a personalized Gold Handle mug as a token of appreciation.

The Duke once told son Ethan Wayne of a desire to create his own liquor line. Years after his father’s death in 1979, Ethan discovered a wooden vault containing an archive, a message and a reserve of bottles dating to 1962. This led to Duke Spirits bourbon, rye and tequila.

Eric Zarate, Dallas Moring News

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